Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Get anyone's information

Came across a site "RapLeaf" which provides information like gender, age, county and possibly more information about most of us..

Sounds interesting, it might be very useful for user segmentation. Usually I thought this kind of information is mined and preserved by big corporations who can afford to store and effectively use the information. Rapleaf brings that to everybody specifically to small and medium businesses , they can also effectively mine and use their data.

Alright, I checked my data -- almost relevant and some of my friends. Some are relevant some are not, that's OK soon RapLeaf will improve their algorithm. But the information is enough to achieve some segmentation. There are many thoughts going through my mind on how to use this information, maybe join with the census data (available on Amazon EC2) .. I donno but this was kept in some corner of my memory space..

Ok now security, I said this to my friend and he is not happy about it and Im little skeptical too.. a little more thought and a criminal intention can be dangerous in this regard.. I dont know if Im paranoid or this data is available to everybody why worried about this..

All these apart Rapleaf gave me the power to mine a valuable data...

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